Many thanks to Vague Imaginaires for putting this mix together.
Check his music https://vagueimaginaires.bandcamp.com/album/l-le-dor
The Longing (different speed edit) by Paul Avgerinos on balancing spheres (round sky music) -
aquamarine sheen by Electronic eye on closed circuit (Intone Productions) -
Deux Filles by Harras on shadow farming (Glass Modern) -
Feel the dub feat Hindi Zahra by Blundetto on good good dub (Les Rythmes Ruban) -
Thirumalai by X.Y.R on NA (NA) -
Unreleased cosmic beauty by kovil step on Unreleased cosmic beauty (Unreleased) -
Unnatural Natural by Ellarald on Forthcoming (12th Isle) -
You Must sleep now by Deux Filles on shadow farming (Glass Modern) -
意識 by Akira Ito on Bosatu & Mugen (Black) -
Holy Poems by Chuck Jonkey on Charana (self released) -
Decision by Gartien Midonet on Fo Ou Tchimbi - Decision (Time Capsule) -
Field Study by Bitchin Bajas on Bitchin Bajas (Drag City Records) -
Malam by Kaoru Inoue on a missing myth (Seeds And Ground) -
ley Hunter’s Chant by ToiToiToi on Vaganten (Ghost Box) -
Beauty, Mind and Body #2 by Unknow me on Bishintai (not not fun) -
пес DOG by Kate NV on для FOR (RVNG Intl) -
Stranger's Garden by Ippei Matsui & Aki Tsuyuko on Natsu No Zenbu (All Night Flight Records) -
Night Kitchen by Robert Minden Ensemble on Whisper in My Ear (Otter Bay Productions Inc) -
Outdoor (Bonus Track) by Emily A. Sprague on Water Memory / Mount Vision (RVNG Intl) -
Multiplying Into Fields of Little Voices by Christina Vantzou on Releasing Spores (Slow Moves) -
iii by Aylu on Serum (SUNARKRECORDS) -
Never a Dull Moment by ToiToiToi on Vaganten (Ghost Box) -
Prominent Geological Formations by Rob Moss Wilson & Cool Maritime on Big Lunch (Touch the plants) -
Bamboo Link + Couldn't Top The Demo by Rimarimba on In the Woods (RVNG d/b/a Freedom To Spend) -
Be Free Two by Keope on The King and I (Keo Neo Records) -
Tundra by STA on Tundra (Self released) -
Cristal I by Aylu on Walden (Orange Milk Records) -
Blue Heron Flies by Alice Damon on Windsong (Yoga Records) -
Crystal Lake by S A D on Children of The Sun (Gost Zvuk) -
Devil in the Drain by Henry Kaiser on Free To Choose (The Orchard Music (on behalf of SST Records)) -
Treadmill (with Lisa Nakagawa) by UNKNOWN ME on Bishintai (not not fun) -
Z 1000 by Robert Minden Ensemble on Whisper in My Ear (Otter Bay Productions Inc) -
Caminatas by Germán Bringas on Tunel Hacia Tí (Smiling C)