Parlour Games by Ursula Oppens and Bruse Brubaker on Meredith Monk: Piano Songs (ECM) -
Attuna by Jherek Bischoff on Cistern (The Leaf Label Ltd.) -
Seed Spell by Stef Conner, Hanna Marti, Everlasting Voices & Susannah Austin on Stef Conner: Riddle Songs (Delphian) -
Oration by Mamiffer on Ae/Be (Sige) -
Fire at Static Valley by Godspeed You! Black Emperor on G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END! (Constellation) -
The Crowneater by Alder & Ash on The Crowneater (self released) -
Folk Death 95 by Mogwai on Mr. Beast (Matador) -
The Upper by Oxbow on Thin Black Duke (Hydra Head) -
Orgelblut by Bohren & der Club of Gore on Dolores (PIAS / Ipecac) -
The Gallows by Eksi Ekso on I Am Your Bastard Wings (Magic Bullet) -
The Water Bride by Areni Agbabian on Bloom (ECM) -
George Lewis: String Quartet 1.5: Experiments in Living by Spektral Quartet on Experiments in Living (New Focus) -
Heather Stebbins: Riven by Loadbang on Plays Well With Others (New Focus) New -
Sails Knife-bright in a Seasonal Wind by counter)induction (Miranda Cuckson, Daniel Lippel, Jeffrey Irving) on Douglas Boyce: The Hunt by Night (New Focus) -
Before Krishna by London Chamber Orchestra, Odaline de la Martinez (conductor) on Param Vir: Wheeling Past the Stars (NMC) -
Butterflies by Esmerelda Conde Ruiz on Cabin Fever (Birmingham Record Company) New