Tonight's edition of SITD features new tunes from Dylan Henner, Taylor Deupree, Logic Moon, Felicia Atkinson, 58918012 and a beautiful 30-minute longform work from Marcus Fischer. Enjoy!
The Golden Dawn by Logic Moon on The Order (Logic Moon) New Selection from a sweet new two-track EP from ex-death metal band member and minimal techno producer Tobias Lorsbach (logic Moon).
Calculating The Time by 58918012 on A Spot (58918012) New A new work from Ukrainian dark ambient musician Yurii Popov.
The Lake is Speaking by Felicia Atkinson on Image Language (Shelter Press) New A brand new release from Adkinson, who has also had a couple of recent collaborations that made it onto SITD.
Siberia by AstroPilot + Perry Frank on Siberia (Valley View Records) New A collaboration between UK's AstroPilot and Sardinian musician Francesco Perra (Perry Frank). Comes on the heels of a similar collaboration EP with Spacecraft also released on Valley View.
Desaturation by Taylor Deupree on Harbor (12k) New One of a few new works out by Deupree, this one on his own 12k label.
On April 29th by Marcus Fischer on On Falling (12k) An incredible long-form piece that closes out Fischer's 2019 release.
Chessa by Shuttle358 on Chessa (12k) -
Grohuk by Thomas Koner on Aubrite (Mille Plateaux) -
We Lay Down in a Field of Orange Flowers and We Listened to the Birds by Dylan Henner on Flues of Forgotten Sands (Dauw) New The A side of a spectacular long-form EP from UK musician Henner.
02 by Steinbruchel on Parallel Landscapes (12k) -
Things Might Get Better by Funki Porcini on The Mulberry Files (Funki Porcini)