Tonight's edition turns it up LOUD! with tunes from Mogwai, Somali Yacht Club, Mammifer, Wrekmeister Harmonies, Grails, Caspian, and some intense drones from Villages and Final among others.
Remurdered by Mogwai on Rave Tapes (Sub Pop) - Break
Pulsar by Somali Yacht Club on The Space (Season of Mist) New Recent single from the forthcoming full-length by Lviv, Ukraine musical outfit Somali Yacht Club
Almost Grew My Hair by Grails on Deep Politics (Temporary Residence Ltd) -
Temper of the Age by Villages on Theories of Ageing (Bathetic) -
Youngblood by Russian Circles on Station (Suicide Squeeze Records) -
Kent by Slint on Tweez (Touch and Go) -
Rioseco by Caspian on Dust and Disquiet (Triple Crown Records) -
Persephone I by Year of No Light on Ausserwelt (Conspiracy Records) -
Logic of a Dream by Explosions in the Sky on The Wilderness (Temporary Residence Ltd) -
Goodbye Enemy Airship by Do Make Say Think on You You're A History In Rust (Constellation) -
Slow Stone by Balmorhea on Clear Language (Western Vinyl) -
Untitled 3 by Final on Untitled 3 (Alter) New -
Light Falls II - The Light Burns Us All by Wrekmeister Harmonies on Light Falls (Thrill Jockey) -
In Fulminic Blaze by Locrian & Mamiffer on Bless Them That Curse You (Sige / Utech) -
Heaven in a Wild Flower by MONO on Pilgrimage of the Soul (Temporary Residence Ltd.)