I'm back from a fraught vacation and ready to share some new music and audio collages from my time away. No, I'm not rested. No, I'm not so happy for the time I had. It was kind of a mess. And beautiful in ways too.
For instance, I made some really special connections. You'll hear audio from my time on Governor's Island in New York with Andrea Muraskin, an audio producer, past voice memo contributor to the show, and new IRL friend.
And you'll hear a formerly incarcerated artist, Karen L. Thomas, who spoke to us in a gallery on the island that was showing her work as part of an exhibit called Escaping Time: Art From US Prisons.
Here she is:
Thank you Sara Brooke Curtis and Rochelle Greenhagen for the birthday songs ♥️
The Sound of This Place - Ypsigrock Festival by Camilla Sparks, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Eva Geist on The Sound of This Place (Ypsigrock Festival 2021) (Ypsigrock Festival) New -
Burning by Yeah Yeah Yeahs on Cool It Down (Secretly Canadian) New -
Burn It Down by Daughter on Music From Before The Storm (Glassnote) -
Simple Headphone Mind by Stereolab & Nurse With Wound on Simple Headphone Mind (Duophonic Super 45s) New -
Skyscraper by Automatic on Excess (Stones Throw) New -
I Need Help Immediately by 100 gecs, Laura Les, Dylan Brady on 1000 gecs (Dog Show) -
Feeling Myself - Lullaby Version by Wolf Alice on Feeling Myself (Lullaby Version) (RCA) New