Tonight's edition features tons of new music from Caterina Barbieri, Peter Broderick, K. Leimer, Christina Vantzou, The Black Dog, Nils Frahm, Svanebork Kardyb, Matthew Hallsall and lots more!
The Eleventh Hour by Matthew Halsall on The Temple Within (Gondwana Records) New -
Season of Changes by Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band on Season of Changes (Blue Note) -
Op by Svaneborg Kardyb (Gondwana Records) New Preview from the Danish duo's forthcoming record Over Tage. Svaneborg Kardyb are Nikolaj Svaneborg - Wurlitzer, Juno, piano and Jonas Kardyb - drums, percussion
Bageshri by Christina Vantzou, Michael Harrison, John Also Bennett on Christina Vantzou, Michael Harrison, John Also Bennett (Seance Centre) New -
Errant Settee by K. Leimer on Music for the Open Air (Palace of Lights) New Three-track LP just released on August 26th.
Sette by Zauberland on Album 2018 (2218034 Records DK) -
Broken Seta by Ian Hawgood on Piano Works (Koen Music) - Break
Briefly by Nils Frahm (LEITER Verlag) New -
Drifting by zake, Ossa on syntheticopia (Zake Drone Recordings) New -
Sonata for the Sirius by Peter Broderick (Erased Tapes) New Preview of Piano Works vol. 1, out late November.
Knot of Spirit - Synth Version by Caterina Berbieri on Spirit Exit (light-years) New Brand new record from Barbieri released in July, this tune is a different version of a single released last year by Barbieri and Lyra Pramuk (vocals).
Sound Ov Thee Crowd by The Black Dog on Black EP (Dust Science) New