What's Up by Fleabite on TTYL (Visit http://fleabitema.bandcamp.com) - Break
Memory by The Mantles on Memory (Slumberland) -
Farewell by Soda Shop on Farewell (Visit http://sodashop.bandcamp.com) -
Know The Reason by Moon Types on Know The Reason 7 (Visit http://jigsawrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Nothing Better by Smut on Conveniently Broken (Visit http://smutmiami.bandcamp.com) -
Everybody Says by Pinact on Split EP (Visit http://music.gerrylovesrecords.com) -
Novaro by Kool Daze on If You Fall I'll Fall With You (Visit http://edilsrecordings.bandcamp.com) -
Junk Heart by HEHFU on BG056 | Junk Heart (Visit http://bleedinggoldrecords.bandcamp.com) -
On Tape (Pooh Sticks cover) by The Soap Opera on The Soap Opera (Visit http://howlinbananarecords.bandcamp.com) -
Ominous Felon by Dark Tea on Dark Tea (Visit http://darktea.bandcamp.com) -
Branches As Bridges by Imaginary Pants on Kites At Night EP (Visit http://imaginarypants.bandcamp.com) -
glamour queen (pop two outro) by Azul Toga on #2 (Visit http://trackandfieldrecs.bandcamp.com) -
Total Affection by Caramel on Demo (Visit http://caramelcdf.bandcamp.com) -
Something Gross by Flemmings on FLEMMINGS (Visit http://flemmings.bandcamp.com) -
Laura & Cesar by Tigercats on Mysteries (Label) -
Too Much Too Fast by Dogbreth on Sentimental Health (Visit http://dogbreth.bandcamp.com) -
ii by pitschouse on pitschouse (Visit http://pitschouse.bandcamp.com) -
Crazy People by Dean Wareham on Luna Demos 1991 (Visit http://luna.bandcamp.com) -
Anyway by Lala Lala on HAVE A GOOD DAY (Visit http://lalabandlala.bandcamp.com) -
Coffee by Cry Baby on Cry Baby (Visit http://fettkakao.bandcamp.com) -
Self Care by Passive Smoke on Inhale (Visit http://cinnamonrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Green Stamp (4 track demo) by Crayon on Brick Factory - bonus tracks (HHBTM Records) -
Bedsit Infamies by Adult Books on Adult Books (Visit http://adultbooksca.bandcamp.com) -
A Bell by Expert Alterations on Expert Alterations (Slumberland) -
Cryin Tomorrow by The Memories on Hot Afternoon (Label) -
Baby, Please by PONY on CRUSHED (Visit http://ponyband.bandcamp.com) -
When I Grow Up by The Panduhs on Panduh Party! EP (Visit http://thepanduhs.bandcamp.com) -
Jamie (Luvver) by Joanna Gruesome on Peanut Butter (Slumberland) -
Sensible Shoes Blues by Milky Wimpshake on Popshaped (Amazon.com Song ID: 200741173) -
pop friends by nixon on only ugly people smoke (bbptc) -
she plays guitar by Masters of the Hemisphere on Masters of the Hemisphere (HHBTM) -
Tonight? by Marine Girls on Beach Party (Label) -
I Miss That Band by Paul Baribeau on Paul Baribeau (Label) -
Back of My Hand by Butterglory on Downed (Label) -
Secret Address by The Motifs on Away (Label) -
The World Won't Last The Night by Miles Kurosky on The Desert of Shallow Effects (Label)