Maniac Mansion


  1. Maniac Mansion Theme by David Warhol on Maniac Mansion Soundtrack (Nintendo)
  2. The Hearse by Wampire on Curiosity (Polyvinyl)
  3. Fruit Fly by Snooper on Snooper (Goner)
  4. Cemetery Secretery by Ex-Cult on Ex-Cult (Goner)
  5. Silence but for the Gentle Tinkling of the Flowing Creek by Frog Eyes on The Bloody hand (Absolutely Kosher)
  6. Big Big Blood by La Luz on It's Alive (Top Shelf)
  7. Find Out by John Maus on Screen Memories (Ribbon)
  8. Midwest Basements by Tyvek on On Triple Beams (Goner)
  9. Dragnalus by Unwound on Fake Train (Kill Rock Stars)
  10. Hey Cool Kid by Cloud Nothings on Turning On (Carpark)
  11. Drop-Out by Times New Viking on Rip it Off (Matador)
  12. Modern Castles by Digital Leather on Warm Brother (Fat Possum)
  13. Livin' in the Future by Gee-Tee on Gee-Tee (Goner)
  14. Heedless by No Joy on Ghost Blonde (Joyful Noise)
  15. Francine's List by Pink Section on Pink Section (Modern)
  16. Eon of Love by Naomi Punk on The Feeling (Couple Skate)