Suitcase Waltz by the innocence mission on Street Map (Visit http://theinnocencemission.bandcamp.com) -
Still by Tiger Saw on Blessed Are The Trials We Will Find (https://burstandbloom.bandcamp.com/album/blessed-are-the-trials-we-will-find) - Break
One More Time by Cape Snow on Cape Snow (Visit http://burstandbloom.bandcamp.com) - Break
Jordanna by Ola Podrida on Ola Podrida (Plug Research) - Break
Choke by The Wooden Birds on Magnolia (Barsuk) -
Waiting by Leslie Sisson on Harmony (self) -
The Night is Unchanged by Tiger Saw on Nightingales (Visit http://burstandbloom.bandcamp.com) -
Unbunny-Cassettes Never Get Scratched by burst & bloom records on Minute Long Songs (Visit http://burstandbloom.bandcamp.com) -
Jorge Regula by The Moldy Peaches on The Moldy Peaches (Rough Trade) - Break
Marathon by L.A. Boobs on L.A. Boobs EP (Visit http://laboobs.bandcamp.com) - Break
Monumental Freaks by East River Pipe on Garbageheads On Endless Stun (Merge) -
Circuses & Zoos by Chris Stroffolino on Single Sided Doubles (Popsnob) -
Hiding Place by Rhombus on Ladders (EP) (Public School Records) -
Sweet Smog Children by Smog on Wild Love (Drag City) -
Romeo Must Cry by Jonny Telafone on Romeo Must Cry (Visit http://chaptermusic.bandcamp.com) -
Neon Sign by Imaginary Pants on Imaginary Pants (Visit http://imaginarypants.bandcamp.com) -
The Wind Up Bird by The Lonesome Organist on Collector of Cactus Echo Bag (Thrill Jockey)