015 - Hazzard's Cure, Dungeon Crawl, Choking Game, Doomsday


  1. Street Freaks by Blessed Curse (Self-Released)
  2. Purest Pain by Outta Pocket (2468501 Records DK) Local
  3. Disciples of Death by Disciples of Death on Progressive Entrapment (2032489 Records DK)
  4. Featured Clashing of Hordes by Hazzard's Cure on Hazzard's Cure (2409516 Records DK) Local
  5. The Path of Wrath by Wolf King on The Path of Wrath (Prosthetic Records)
  6. The Darkest Star by Dead Redwoods (2361433 Records DK) Local
  7. Cursed by Obsolete Man on Glory be to the Bomb (To Live a Lie Records) Local
  8. Shrine of Apathy by Heathen on Empire of the Blind (Nuclear Blast Records) Local
  9. Fight the Fight by Gravedodger on Gravedodger (3028147 Records DK) Local
  10. Featured Roll for Your Life by Dungeon Crawl on Roll for Your Life (Black Candle Recordings) Local
  11. Father Time by Haunt on Windows of Your Heart (Iron Grip Records)
  12. Featured detoxicuh by Choking Game on smudge (Self-Released) New Local
  13. An Epitaph for Mankind by Haggus on Straight From the Slaughterhaus (2256377 Records DK) Local
  14. Live Fast Die Slow by DeathGrave on So Real It's Now (Tankcrimes) Local
  15. Plastic World by Glowing Brain on Brain Dust (Self-Released) Local
  16. Featured Mask of Sanity by Doomsday on Depictions of Chaos (Creator-Destructor Records) New Local