Alex Botkin of Sarchasm and Lavasocks Records speaks candidly on the bands' final record (Conditional Love) and their farewell gigs at the end of December! The history of Sarchasm goes back 12 years and they will forever live on in East Bay DIY lore and beyond, as staples of the scene and community. Forever gratitude, Sarchasm forever...
Follow @twinshrieks on IG for more poorly cropped photos and flyers!
Twin Speaks Sessions feature: Sarchasm (live gig on the roof!)
Featured Good News by Sarchasm on Conditional Love (Asian Man) New Local -
Tall Sam by Badvril on Single (self-released) Local -
Smells Like Teen Spirit- Boombox Rehearsal by Nirvana on Nevermind (Sub Pop/ DGC) -
Cover Up Your Ears by Sarchasm on Beach Blanket: Bummer Pop! (Asian Man) Local -
Twin Speaks! w/ Alex Botkin (Sarchasm) by Twin Shrieks Radio on Single (Self-Released) -
Modern Medicine by School Drugs on Modern Medicine (Indecision) -
Cold Hearted by School Drugs on Absolution (Indecision) New -
Twin Speaks! w/ Alex Botkin (Sarchasm) by Twin Shrieks Radio on Single (Self-Released) -
Snowball in Hell by Sarchasm on They Might Be Covers (Self-Released) Local -
I Palindrome I by They Might Be Giants on Apollo 18 (Elektra) -
Perfect by Alanis Morissette on Jagged Little Pill (Reprise) -
Twin Speaks! w/ Alex Botkin (Sarchasm) by Twin Shrieks Radio on Single (Self-Released) -
Take a Piece of All That's Good by Ogikubo Station on We Can Pretend Like (Asian Man) Local -
Choked by the Weeds by Kitty Kat Fan Club on Single (ASIAN MAN) Local -
Twin Speaks! w/ Alex Botkin (Sarchasm) by Twin Shrieks Radio on Single (Self-Released) -
Marvin Gardens by Sarchasm on Conditional Love (Asian Man) New Local -
Faster Than Words by Sarchasm on Challenger (Self-Released) Local -
Oh My Heart by R.E.M. on Collapse Into Now (Concord) -
life by awakebutstillinbed on what people call low self-esteem is really just seeing yourself the way that other people see you (Tiny Engines) Local -
Cliché Filler Punk Song by Just Nick on Semi-revolutionary (Nickolas Wuebben) Local -
Coffee 2 by Get Married on Songs For The Sleepless (Asian Man) Local -
Weeknight Love by Get Married on Songs For The Sleepless (Asian Man Records) Local -
New Friends by Polkadot on The Floor Is Lava! (Lavasocks) New Local -
Twin Speaks! w/ Alex Botkin (Sarchasm) by Twin Shrieks Radio on Single (Self-Released) -
Pretty Things by Like Roses on Closure (Self-Released) Local -
Rock About It by Gill Brothers Band on Gill Brothers Band (self-released) Local -
Next Year by Day Labor on Their Old Stuff (self-released) Local -
Rot by One Armed Joey on Happiness, To Me (Sell the Heart) Local -
Opener by Unpop on Moby (Night Shift Media) Local -
Sober at the Ska Show by Jay Levy & The on ...Finally Recorded These Fucking Songs (Lavasocks) New Local -
Nope. - Live by Danger Inc. on Live at Twin Shrieks 2020 (Twin Peaks Sessions) Local -
2015 Kia Optima by Sweet Gloom (Wiretap) New -
Twin Speaks! w/ Alex Botkin (Sarchasm) by Twin Shrieks Radio on Single (Self-Released) -
Wither (In D) - Live by Sarchasm on Live at Twin Shrieks 2020 (Twin Peaks Sessions) Local