You are entering the Infinite Kaleidoscope. An hour where we can just close our eyes, drift off and forget about reality. Enjoy.
Sam Gendel & Sam Wilkes, "Welcome Vibe"
abracadabra, "at the zoo"
Felt, "Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow"
Allwax, "Dream State"
Sid Bradley, "Child of the Sea"
Bed Bits, "Cambrian Age"
The World, "Last Rhodesian"
A Flock of Seagulls, "D.N.A."
Broadcast, "Where Youth and Laughter Go"
Jackie Shane, "Walking the Dog"
Rüdiger Lorenz, "Between the Times"
The House of Love, "Shine On"
Stereolab, "Fractal Dream of a Thing"
Trisomie 21, "Pleasure"
The Sound, "Unwritten Law"
Colin Newman, "I've Waited Ages"
Mint Field, "Nuestro Sentido"
Music under my voice: Steve Hauschildt, "The World Is Too Much with Us"
Welcome Vibe by Sam Gendel & Sam Wilkes on Music for Saxofone & Bass Guitar More Songs (℗ 2021 Leaving Records) -
at the zoo by abracadabra on Shapes & Colors (℗ 2023 Melodic) New Local -
Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow (Remastered Edition) by Felt on The Strange Idols Pattern and Other Short Stories (Remastered Edition) (℗ 2018 Cherry Red Records) -
Dream State by Allwax on Dream State - Single (℗ 2022 3894538 Records DK) -
Child of the Sea by Sid Bradley on Child of the Sea (℗ 2019 Sid Bradley) -
Cambrian Age by Bed Bits on Bed Bits (℗ 2022 Bed Bits) -
Last Rhodesian by The World on Reddish (℗ 2019 Lumpy Records) -
D.N.A. by A Flock of Seagulls on A Flock of Seagulls (℗ 1981, 1982 Zomba Productions Ltd.) -
Where Youth and Laughter Go by Broadcast on The Future Crayon (℗ 2006 Warp Records Limited) -
Walking the Dog by Jackie Shane on Any Other Way (℗ 2017 Numero Group) -
Between the Times by Rüdiger Lorenz on Invisible Voices (℗ 2014 Anthology) -
Shine On by The House of Love on House of Love (℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited) -
Fractal Dream of a Thing by Stereolab on Chemical Chords (Itunes Edition) (℗ 2008 Duophonic Super 45s) -
Pleasure by Trisomie 21 on Chapter IV - Le Je-Ne-Sais Quoi Et Le Presque Rien (℗ 1986 Trisomie 21) -
Unwritten Law by The Sound on Jeopardy (℗ 1980 Warner Music UK Ltd) -
I've Waited Ages (Remastered) by Colin Newman on A-Z (Remastered) (℗ 2017 Beggars Banquet Records Ltd) -
Nuestro Sentido by Mint Field on Sentimiento Mundial (℗ 2020 felte) -
The World Is Too Much with Us by Steve Hauschildt on Where All Is Fled (℗ 2015 kranky)