10 Outta 10, Recommend

Hello Hello!

Today, we're barely talking, but talking music only.  It's been a minute since we've shared what we're listening to at leisure and playing out.

You get a top 10 from us both, and hopefully some new chunes to put into your rotation.

Stay up, stay safe. 
Kenny & Lonnie


  1. Angel Numberz by agropol on Trax Solar-EP (aluvdream)
  2. Sea Sick by binki on Sea Sick- EP (binki)
  3. Born Slippy (NUXX) by Underworld on Trainspotting (Smith Hyde)
  4. Aghartha by sunn O))) on Monoliths & Dimensions (Southern Lords Recordings)
  5. Shaking Conditions by Moodrich & Sketchy on Barnaerobics Va (Planetaria Music)
  6. Picanya 2400 by KETTAMA on Steel City Dance Discs Volume 26 (Steel City Dance Discs)
  7. Radio Babylon by Meat Beat Manifesto on Version Galore (PIAS)
  8. moment by Vierre Cloud on momenrt (self-released)
  9. Aquabahn by Dreciya on Journey of The Deep Sea Dweller III (Clone)
  10. Shake & Pop by Green Velvet on Shake & Pop - EP (Relief Records)
  11. Be Your Girl (CASINA LATE NITE EDIT) by Casina on Single (Self-Released)
  12. Yuh Pussy by Tee on Kultura Collective (self-released)
  13. Addy by Bastiengoat on Unreleased (self-released)
  14. At Your Cervix by Fizia on At Your Cervix (self-released)
  15. Sublimation by NEO FRESCO on EBSM Electro Body Synth Music (self-release)
  16. NXT2U by Jasmine Infiniti on BXTCH SLAP (New World Dysorder)
  17. Pump It by Rory Kelly on SHUBZINVA001 (Philthtrax)
  18. DND (feat. SamTh3Kid) by SWAMI on DND (self-released)
  19. Dior by MATTHESON on Virtue-EP (Zone Focus)
  20. Harissa (Lewis CanCut Remix) by Jabo on unknown (LOWUP RECORDS)