part one of this mini vacation is down.. we're in Portland right meow!
currently drinking coffee and goin on little walks for my mental health :)
took the train from Vancouver BC down to Portland and lemme tell you how cool it is.. I friggin love trains and being able to take in the beautiful nature along the route
You Can't Live There Forever by The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die on Harmlessness (Epitaph) -
laughing (while smiling) by worlds greatest dad on get well soon (worlds greatest dad) -
sayaka by dreamwell on modern grotesque (dreamwell) -
Gig Life by The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die on Assorted Works (Epitaph) -
dancing in the dark by worlds greatest dad on get over it (worlds greatest dad) -
to the janitor, to the king by the world is a beautiful place & I am no longer afraid to die on assorted works (triple crown records) -
Sisyphean happiness by dreamwell on modern grotesque (dreamwell) -
Wolves by Old Gray on An Autobiography (Dog Knights) -
Keep What You Have Built Up Here by empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) on what it takes to move forward (Count Your Lucky Stars) -
Sundays by Joie De Vivre on the north end (Count Your Lucky Stars!) -
hiding by pianos become the teeth on hiding (topshelf) -
why you always leave a note by prawn on joie de vivre/prawn (count your lucky stars records!) -
track 1, side A by oso oso on Real Stories Of True People Who Kind Of Looked Like Monsters (Counter Intuitive) -
Getting Sodas by The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die on Whenever, If Ever (Topshelf Records) -
terrabay nights by commissure on outfield (Self Released) Local