Teenage Tragedy by SadGirl on Penelope's Leg (Visit http://wearesadgirl.bandcamp.com) -
Reservoir Dawgs by Beach Goons on BoiSad (Visit http://losbeachgoons.bandcamp.com) -
Aloha Girl by Guantanamo Baywatch on Postcard from the Tar Pitz (Visit http://guantanamobaywatch.bandcamp.com) -
Mama by Shannon and the Clams on Mama/Love Kin (Visit http://suicidesqueeze.bandcamp.com) -
Somebody's in the Kitchen by Fernando & the Teenage Narcs on Teen Narcs in Space (Visit http://refryrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Super Fast Car Burnout by Dirt Cheap Date on I Don't Want To Be Fake (Visit http://dirtcheapdate.bandcamp.com) -
Global Citizen by Red Red Krovvy on II (Visit http://heltaskeltarecords.bandcamp.com) -
Get Away From Me Right Now by Flemmings on Shake Well Before Use (Visit http://flemmings.bandcamp.com) -
That Boy by Obedient Wives Club on That Boy / This Is It (Visit http://obedientwivesclub.bandcamp.com) -
Ex-Marionette by G A L P A L S on Velvet Rut (Label) -
Choo Choo by Dog Legs on sorry/thanks/sorry (Visit http://doglegs.bandcamp.com) -
Fact Is Friction by Thurst on YSFC (Visit http://thurst.bandcamp.com) -
If You Can't Fall in Love by Rat Columns on do you remember real pain? (Visit http://adagio830-records.bandcamp.com) -
Art Vandelay by Ducktails on III: Arcade Dynamics (Matador) -
Leftovers by wimps on Super Me (Visit http://thesewimps.bandcamp.com) -
Everything Is Pop by The Glow Cats on Cat Bits (PZL084 - Visit http://jigsawrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Não Consegues by Pega Monstro on Alfarroba (Upset The Rhythm) -
Cave Business by Ivy on A Cat's Cause, No Dogs Problem 7 (Visit http://katorgaworks.bandcamp.com) -
White Devil by Sealings on I'm a Bastard (Visit http://fauxdiscx.bandcamp.com) -
Crystal Healing Vibes by L A N D L I N E S on Crystal Healing Vibes (Visit http://landlinesportland.bandcamp.com) -
Windwaker by Grubs on It Must Be Grubs (Visit http://grubs.bandcamp.com) -
Parking Lot Snots by Makeout Vertigo on Can't Always Be There (Visit http://jigsawrecords.bandcamp.com) -
The Trouble With Lee by The Swapsies on Piglet and Pooh / The Trouble With Lee (Visit http://theswapsies.bandcamp.com) -
We Won't Go There by Mammoth Penguins on Hide and Seek (Fortuna Pop) -
Fight the System by Arre! Arre! on Fight the System (Visit http://arrearre.bandcamp.com) -
Untouched by High Dive on New Teeth (Visit http://highdivetheband.bandcamp.com) -
war by the gutters on eventually L.P (Visit http://thegutters.bandcamp.com) -
PLASTIC CUPS by SHAKY HANDZ on CELEBRITY MAKE ME A SANDWICH (Visit http://shakyhandz.bandcamp.com) -
Coockoo by Bikes on Self Titled (Self Released) -
High n' Dry by EMPTY HEADS on Teerjerker (Visit http://emptyheads.bandcamp.com) -
Here we are, at the show. by coach longlegs on NO DOGS AT SHOWS (Visit http://coachlonglegs.bandcamp.com) -
Digital Lobotomy by Native America on Bad Weed / But Still Weed (Visit http://nativeamericamusic.bandcamp.com) -
Lie by Cars Can Be Blue on Trace the Tension (HHBTM Records) -
Dab Dungeon by Ladywolf on Babes EP (Self Released) -
Disaster by Listen Lady on Listen Lady (Visit http://listenlady.bandcamp.com) -
Rock Hard Pt. II by Lamps on Fred Astaire 7'' (Label) -
Dreamhome Gurl by Joey Ghostly on GHOSTLY (Visit http://joeyghostly.bandcamp.com) -
Remember The Theremin by The Cannanes And Steward on Communicating At An Unknown Rate (Visit http://chaptermusic.bandcamp.com) -
Apple Trees of B.C. by Malasada on Malasada EP (Visit http://lostsoundtapes.bandcamp.com) -
Wednesday by Oh Peas! on Shades Of Intolerance (Self Released) -
We Grew Up by two white cranes on Radisson Blue (Visit http://twowhitecranes.bandcamp.com) - Break
Ex To See by The TeleVibes on High or Die (Visit http://thetelevibesofficial.bandcamp.com)