* My Own Summer by Deftones riff blasts loudly, everyone slightly aroused *
Cover from Weedian's Trip To Texas (Bandcamp Comp)
Fun's Over by Drug Church on Hygiene (Pure Noise) -
Good Good Things by Drain on LIVING PROOF (EPITAPH) New -
Things by Single Mothers on Everything You Need (Dine Alone) -
Money by Single Mothers on Negative Qualities (HXC) -
Pills by Expire on Pendulum Swings (Bridge 9) -
Samaritans by IDLES on Joy as an Act of Resistance. (Partisan) -
Rottweiler by IDLES on Joy as an Act of Resistance. (Partisan) -
life by awakebutstillinbed on what people call low self-esteem is really just seeing yourself the way that other people see you (Tiny Engines) Local -
My PG County Summer by Origami Angel (Counter Intuitive) New -
666 Flags by Origami Angel on Somewhere City (Counter Intuitive) -
Hippo in the Water by Mom Jeans on Sweet Tooth (Many Hats Endeavors, Sequel Music) Local -
Edward 40hands (Brunch Tunes) by Mom Jeans on Long Armed Bill's Summer Comp (Vol. 1) (Slang Church) Local -
Workday by Snooze on Long Armed Bill's Summer Comp (Vol. 1) (Slang Church) Local -
i don't want to ask your father or anything - remaster by salvia palth on melanchole (remaster) (daniel johann lines) -
Family Trip by Growing Stone on I Had Everybody Snowed (Head2Wall) -
Mosquito by Model/Actriz on Dogsbody (True Panther) New -
Freak Flag by Speed Plans on Statues of God (Iron Lung) New -
My Own Summer (Shove It) by Deftones on Around the Fur (Maverick) -
Summer by Modest Mouse on The Fruit That Ate Itslef (Glacial Pace) -
Dave Of The Moon by Cherubs on Heroin Man (Brutal Panda) -
Had A Dad (Outtake) by Jane's Addiction on Kettle Whistle (Warner) -
So What! by Jane's Addiction on Kettle Whistle (Warner) -
Naked In Front of the by Faith No More on Album of the Year (Slash, Reprise) -
Liminal Bridges by Slumbering Sun on Trip To Texas (Weedian) New -
Godmaker by Eagle Claw on Trip To Texas (Weedian) New -
The Trip to Pirate's Cove by Tom Petty and the Heatbreakers on Mojo (Reprise) -
Jesus Of Nazareth by Self Defense Family on Jesus Of Nazareth (Run for Cover) -
Heartbeat In The Brain by The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die on Whenever, If Ever (Topshelf)