out of office, pt. 2 — maryland & ohio

Where in the world is Shoebox Office? A musical recap of various travels and travails across Maryland, Ohio, and beyond.


  1. Cool About It by boygenius on the record (Interscope) New
  2. Pharmacist by Alvvays on Pharmacist (Polyvinyl)
  3. Year of the Boar by Sufjan Stevens on Enjoy Your Rabbit (Asthmatic Kitty)
  4. Townie by Mitski on Bury Me At Make Out Creek (Double Double Whammy)
  5. Featured Spirit They've Vanished - Remastered 2023 by Animal Collective on Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished (Domino) New
  6. My Friend - Edit by Dan Deacon on Mystic Familiar (Domino)
  7. Let's Find An Out by Snail Mail on Lush (Matador)
  8. Speaking Terms by Snail Mail on Lush (Matador)
  9. Kokomo, IN by Japanese Breakfast on Jubilee (Dead Oceans)
  10. Featured Ohio by Pen Palindrome on Dilettante Ball (Painted Blonde)
  11. Storyline Fever by Purple Mountains on Purple Mountains (Drag City)
  12. Historians by Lucy Dacus on Historian (Matador)
  13. Featured Lavender Burning by Half Waif on Lavender (Cascine)
  14. When You Wake up Feeling Old by Wilco on Summerteeth (Reprise)
  15. We Do It Different on the West Coast by The Mountain Goats on Goths (Merge)
  16. Buckle Up Baby by Marika Christine on Soft Like an Apricot (Ghost Mountain) New Local
  17. Music and Heart by Marika Christine on Soft Like an Apricot (Ghost Mountain) New Local