The dynamic and confounding landscape of San Francisco serves as a strange metaphor for the experimental music scene. Just as this city is known for its windy weather, shifting tectonic plates, and social upheavals, so too does experimental music defy convention and challenge flyover America’s norms. The creative energy that permeates San Francisco's streets can be felt in the adventurous spirit of musicians who are constantly pushing their luck in this gentrified hellspace, but while exploring new sonic terrain in the process. From free jazz to noise to electronica, the diversity of styles in avant-garde music reflects the diversity of perspectives found in this economically unequal city. Oh, and there’s a super long song in here while your docents are doing some searching.
[Show title reference: “You Never Know” by Blackpink]
Gallows in Heaven by Uniform, The Body on Everything That Dies Someday Comes Back (Sacred Bones) - Break
IAO Chant from the Cosmic Inferno by ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE on IAO Chant from the Cosmic Inferno (Ace Fu Records) - Break
16 Years of Scuba by Mid-Air! on Fucked Up Fish (100% Bootleg Cassette Tape Company)