Mottos on sundials, also known as dial inscriptions, have long been a part of the tradition and artistry associated with these ancient timekeeping devices. These inscriptions often convey philosophical, moral, or poetic messages, serving as a reminder of the passage of time and the transient nature of human existence. Common themes found in sundial mottos include carpe diem (seize the day), tempus fugit (time flies), memento mori (remember death), and utere ut alienum non laedas (use but do not abuse). These mottos encapsulate the wisdom and reflection on life's impermanence, urging individuals to make the most of their time and appreciate the fleeting nature of existence. Sundial inscriptions beautifully capture the intertwining of art, science, and contemplation, adding a touch of thoughtfulness to these time-measuring instruments.
[Show title reference: “Start Dyin” by 21 Savage]
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