Episode Lucky 13

Morning y'all,

Today I hope everyone is able to enjoy the sun, and remember the rain.

Love always,



  1. Talk To The Church by Gaussian Curve on Clouds (Music From Memory)
  2. Velvet Ring by Big Thief on Masterpiece (Saddle Creek)
  3. P by Labraford on Mi Media Naranja (kranky)
  4. Bathe by Realizer on Halcyon Days (Nettwerk Music Group Inc.)
  5. Ephemeralness by Adult Mom on Soft Spots (Adult Mom)
  6. The Very Day I'm Gone by Nora Brown on Sidetrack My Engine (Nora Brown/Jalopy Records)
  7. lakes by Gia Margaret on Mia Gargaret (Orindal Records)
  8. Fall On Certain Accents by Pausal on Lapses (3083094 Records DK)
  9. How Past Begins by Angelo De Augustine on Spirals of Silence (Angelo De Augustine)
  10. Soft Blood by Salm Cat (Salmon Cat)
  11. You Swan, Go On by Mount Eerie, Julie Doiron, & Fred Squire on Lost Wisdom (P.W. Elverum & Sun)
  12. My FaVoRiTe rEgReT(s) by Mount Saint Elias (Mount Saint Elias) Local
  13. In My Heaven All Faucets Are Fountains by yes/and on yes/and (Driftless Recordings)
  14. Blind by SZA on SOS (Top Dawg Entertainment) New
  15. Take Me Home Pt. 2 by cabane, Bonnie Prince Billy on Grande est la maison (cabane)
  16. Little Electric Lamb by Salmon on Way Yonder Far (Danger Collective Records LLC)
  17. I Want To Believe by Jennie Lawless on Two Songs (Jennie Lawless)
  18. Featured Box by Kelly McFarling on Water Dog (Kelly McFarling) Local