Songs about traveling, returning, making/modifying/cancelling plans and the whirlwind of modern life 🥴
Always Back In Town by Parquet Courts on Sunbathing Animal (Mom and Pop) -
J-O-B by Subsonic Eye on All Around You (Topshelf) New -
I'm So Tired by Fugazi on Instrument (Dischord) -
Absentee by Cass McCombs on Absentee (Anti) -
Grounded by Pavement on Wowie Zowie (Matador) -
Interstate 8 by Modest Mouse on Building Something Out of Nothing (Up Records) -
Drivin' On 9 by Ed's Redeeming Qualities on Ed's Kitchen (Self Released) -
405 by Death Cab for Cutie on We have the facts and we're voting yes (Sub Pop) -
Nah That Ain't It by Spiritual Cramp on Nah That Ain't it / Phone Lines Down (Blue Grape Music) New -
Duckin and Dodgin by Parquet Courts on Sunbathing Animal (Rough Trade) -
Mystery by Wipers on Is This Real (Park Ave. Records) -
Game of Pricks by Guided By Voices on Alien Lanes (Matador) -
Chicago New York by The Aislers Set on The Last Match (Slumberland) -
Sleeping Bag by Beck on One Foot In The Grave (K Records) -
I Don't Like My Mind by Mitski on The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We (Dead Oceans) New -
One Man No City by Parquet Courts on Human Performance (Rough Trade)