Episode 9 - Hardly Strictly Recap

HSBG was truly one of the greatest experiences for me so I put a few artists/bands that I particularly enjoyed. Not all of the artists are from the festival, but a solid 5 songs are and that is enough to be considered a theme I think...


  1. Let's Watch a Movie by Uni Boys on I Don't Believe in Love (Curation)
  2. Western Bronco by Hermanos Guitierrez on Hijos Del Sol (Self-Released)
  3. She's a Winner by Neal Francis on Changes (Karma Chief)
  4. Morning Dew by The Third Mind on The Third Mind (Yep Roc)
  5. Go Down River by The Heavy Heavy on Life And Life Only (ATO)
  6. Sin City by Emmylou Harris on Elite Hotel (Warner)
  7. Avenue of the Giants by Charles Ellsworth on The Wild Coyote Sessions Volume 1 (Burro Borracho)
  8. Get in the Groove by The Grease Traps on Solid Ground (Record Kicks) Local
  9. Sunshine Queen by Rikki Ililonga on Soweto (Self-Released)
  10. Psychedelic Ranger by The Clean on Anthology (Merge)
  11. Change (Makes You Want to Hustle) by Donald Byrd on Places & Spaces (Blue Note)
  12. Surfin With The Shah by Urinals on Negative Capability....Check It Out (Happy Squid)
  13. Snakes and Waterfalls by Nick Shoulders on Lonely Like Me (Gar Hole)