I know I only played a minute-long track from the new Dope Body but holy shit that record is nuts go get it.
The Crown Of Creation by Georg Holm, Orri Páll Dýrason, Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, Kjartan Holm on Circe (Krunk) -
The Sun Is Folded In Eight by La Nuit on Desert Television (Beacon Sound) -
Untitled 4 by Contour on Year Of The Hunter (Distory) -
f = (2.4) by Carter Tutti Void on f (x) (Industrial) -
Untitled 1 by Ättestupa on Vattnet Drog Sig Tillbaka, Stenarna Blev Synliga (Järtecknet) -
With Complete Will by Loke Rahbek & Puce Mary on The Female Form (Posh Isolation) -
On No Fade by Natural Information Society & Bitchin Bajas on Automaginary (Drag City) -
Keisa Kizzy Kinte by Karen Gwyer on Bouloman (Nous) -
A Call for Distance by Heather Woods Broderick on Glider (Western Vinyl) -
Dad by Dope Body on Kunk (Drag City) -
Scintillate Inside You by Offthesky on The Serpent Phase (Hibernate)