bBBoossSSss 35!

Alll Vinyl today folkes! December days lets get it goin..


  1. Sessionz by Jeff's Sessions on JS (JS)
  2. The Seeker by The Who on Meaty, Beaty Big and Bouncy (RCA)
  3. Half Past One by Can on Landed (Spoon)
  4. ups and Downs/Posessions/ Give it to Someone Else/ by Residents on Commercial Space (Ralph)
  5. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush on Hounds of Love (EMI)
  6. Six Different Ways (2006 Remastered LP Version) by The Cure on The Head on the Door (Sony)
  7. Let the Good Times Roll by Cars on Cars (Elektra)
  8. Heart on my Sleeve by Bryan Ferry on Lets Sick Together (Atlantic)
  9. The Preakness by Panda Bear on Single (Donmino)
  10. Simple Man by The Grouch on Single (G&E)
  11. Mental Stamina by Jeru the Damaja on The Sun Rises in the East (Payday)
  12. Fire Doesn't Burn Itself by Sam Flax on Age Waves (Burger Records)
  13. Little Green Apples by Roger Miller on Midnight Cowboy (Capitol)