Tonight's edition features a bunch of December releases, including work from Celer, Jogging House, Rival Consoles, Joel Shearer, Tomasz Bednarczyk, The American Analog Set, Billow Observatory and more!
The Giant Swing by Rival Consoles on Music for Siam (Erased Tapes) New -
Shivers by Jogging House on Station (Seil Records) New -
THE AFTERNOON OF OCTOBER 8, 2021 by Joshua on 21 (FIL[E]) New -
City of High Rises by Tomasz Bednarczyk (INTRASET) New -
Interwoven by Joel Shearer on Darker EP (Joel Shearer Music) New -
Cocooned Under Stars by Subset on Ambient Particles (Greyscale) New -
Gems I (excerpt) by Celer on Gems I (Will Long) New -
On by David Cordero & Rhucle on Summer Chronicles (Home Normal) New -
While you're there by Rejoicer, Oded Tzur on While You Are There (NAYMLIS) New -
Altocumulus by Myles O'Reilly on Step Outside This Area (Arbutus Yarns Recording Company) New -
Time Lapse by Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi on Golden Apples of the Sun (Obliques / Atmospheric) New -
Garden of Four Streams by Billow Observatory on Soliton (felte) New -
Frescoes II by Phelan Burgoyne on Frescoes (6236119 Records DK) New -
Queen Of Her Own Parade by The American Analog Set on You Don't Want Me To Arrive, Do You? (Numero Group) New