Cat by I'm Alone on I Don't Want To Stay Here (Visit http://boyinthevoid.bandcamp.com) -
clean by i know who you are and you are nothing on in due time (Visit http://ikwyaayan.bandcamp.com) -
Devil by Brittle Brian on Verisune (Visit http://brittlebrian.bandcamp.com) -
Forever Summer by dnll on Demos (Visit http://dnll.bandcamp.com) -
strawberries by Honeyuck on very tiny songs (Visit http://honeyuck.bandcamp.com) -
Back on Top by Bonehead on Scumbag (Visit http://bonehead.bandcamp.com) -
Point of Being Right by Shannon and the Clams on Gone by the Dawn (Visit http://shannonandtheclams.bandcamp.com) -
My Blue Jumper by Jessica & The Fletchers on DK27 Connecting People (Visit http://discosdekirlian.bandcamp.com) -
Youth Nothing by Wonton Soup on Thank You, Come Again. (Visit http://wontonsoup.bandcamp.com) -
MALT LICKER by NANCY on NANCY LP (Visit http://nancymommy.bandcamp.com) -
Summer kinda sucks now by WET SOCKS on Soaking WET (Visit http://wetsocks.bandcamp.com) -
Puffy Eyes by Yay High on Sour Milk (Visit http://yayhighyayhigh.bandcamp.com) -
Sun In The Fun by CHEEKS on CHEEKS // GROMS SPLIT (Visit http://cheekssd.bandcamp.com) -
Skinner by Grubs on It Must Be Grubs (Visit http://grubs.bandcamp.com) -
jamie's going to prison by lintsleeve on I Don't Want To Stay Here (Visit http://boyinthevoid.bandcamp.com) -
ARMCHAIR JOCK by Nathan and the Meanstreaks on NATHAN'S HOME (Visit http://nathanandthemeanstreaks.bandcamp.com) -
Anxious Type by Shit Present on Shit Present (Visit http://specialistsubject.bandcamp.com) -
Don't Wanna See Your Face by Slurred Words on Oyoy (Visit http://slurredwords42069.bandcamp.com) -
Awkward Dreams by Thee Mightees (Visit http://theemightees.bandcamp.com) -
Stand By Your Ghoul by The Cavemen (Visit http://thecavemennz.bandcamp.com) -
Brooklyn Babewatch by Sauna Heat on Brooklyn Babewatch (Visit http://toiletfingers.bandcamp.com) -
Don't Let It Dress You Down by TOWANDA on BLACK SHEEP EP (Visit http://towanda.bandcamp.com) -
Tão Legal by Trash No Star on Single Ladies (www.transfusaonoiserecords.blogspot.com TNR.060) -
Depois Do Sol by LuvBugs on Enxaqueca (Todos os direitos reservados TNR.076 Brasil / 2015) -
Sentirse Bien Perdido by Ponyta (Visit http://ponytaponyta.bandcamp.com) -
Summer Blood by Nimzo Indians on Summer Blood EP! (Visit http://nimzoindians.bandcamp.com) -
summer song by kurt on soft things (Visit http://kurtinder.bandcamp.com) -
a subjective history, 1995-96, as told through the medium of 7 by Thorsten Sideb0ard on MIxeszzzz