Cold, crushing, yet cozy. Make a cup of tea and tune in for two hours of atmospheric black metal, post-metal, and doomgaze.
Featured Slow Motion Collapse by Leaving on Liminal (Transylvanian Recordings) New Local -
Ritual Asphyxia by Emanation on The Emanation of Begotten Chaos from God (Sentient Ruin Laboratories) -
Cosmivore by Aphotic on Abyssgazer (Sentient Ruin Laboratories) -
Featured Jimmy by Brume on Marten (Magnetic Eye Records) New Local -
Featured Perfect Calm by Amber Asylum on Sin Eater (Prophecy Productions) Local -
Featured House of Falling Ash by Chrome Ghost on House of Falling Ash (Seeing Red Records) -
Yesteryear by So Hideous on Laurestine (Prosthetic) -
Featured Demon is Man by Aequorea on Dim (Transylvanian Recordings) -
Tag dit knuste hjerte og lav til kunst by Vægtløs on Aftryk (Fiadh Productions) New -
Ausencia by A Rose Dying in the Sun on Ausencia (A Rose Rain Records) -
Grinding Pieces to Fit by Maridia on Mouth of Ruin (Fiadh Productions) New -
Thinning the Veil by Robes of Snow on Fall's Resplendence (Self-Released) -
Featured Water by Botanist on Photosynthesis (The Flenser) Local -
Where Death and Dreams Do Manifest by iLLudium on Ashes of the Womb (Prophecy Productions) -
Featured To Reclaim by Shadow Limb (Seeing Red Records) New