Starts off as one of the more organic / symphonic episodes yet, but picks up some steam / beats by the end.
Beijing by Rocket Empire on Rocket Empire -
Sweet Subtropics by Guitar on It's Sweet to Do Nothing -
Bells & Thoughts by The Green Kingdom on Prismatic -
Love Me Some Walking by Nigel Godrich on Scott Pilgrim vs. The World OST (Universal) -
Les Professionales by Air on Premiers Symptomes (Astral Werks) -
Rytm To Niesmiertelnosc II by Jacaszek on Treny -
A Walk by Tycho on Dive (Ghostly International) -
We Move Lightly by Dustin O'Halloran on Lumiere -
Everything Is Alright by Four Tet on Pause -
Rivers Become Oceans by Four Tet, Rothko -
We Have A Map of the Piano by Múm on Finally We Are No One (Morr Music) -
Ivy by Active Child on You Are All I See (Vagrant Records) -
Andrew by Jonwayne on Bowser -
Whyyy by GABLE -
Heaven in Five by Michael Andrews on Me And You And Everyone We Know OST -
Micro Melodies by The Album Leaf on Red Tour EP -
Delayed Sunshine Reaction by Obfusc on Cities of Cedar -
M. Ivan by Alexandre Desplat on OST - The Grand Budapest Hotel -
Pacific Theme - Instrumental by Broken Social Scene on You Forgot It In People -
The Process of Leaving by E-Vax on Parking Lot Music -
For the Trees by Matmos on The Civil War -
Roads Must Roll by Boom Bip on Seed to Sun -
Sorry Safari by Slow Magic on Triangle -
The Deep and Lovely Quiet by Bersarin Quartet on The Reconstruction of Fives -
Fringes of Focus by Dntel on Human Voice -
Dance of the Hexagrams (Extract) by Uakti -
Bird's Lament by Moondog on Sax Pax for a Sax -
Arne by Haruka Nakamura on Grace -
Remnants - Attaque Remix by Max Cooper, Tom Hodge on Artefact Remixes (Fields) -
Past Comes Welling Up by The Books on Music For A French Elevator And Other Short Format Oddities (Temporary Residence Limited) -
Come by Lemon Jelly on Lemon Jelly.ky -
Margins by Kelpe on Margins EP -
Kong by Bonobo on Black Sands -
In the Moonlight by Blithe Field on Warm Blood