Join me and my NEWEST GUEST Kevin The Hauler while we listen to music that doesn't suck from foreign lands. We will hear from the likes of Der Blutharsch, Marching Church, Orphx, Ancient Methods, and more!
Wish I Weren't Here by Der Blutharsch on Dream Your Life Away (WKN) -
Information by Marching Church on Telling It Like It Is (Sacred Bones) -
The Body Is Not Real by JK Flesh on Depersonalization (Hospital Productions) -
Larmes De Crocodile by Rixe on Collection (La Vida Es Un Mus) -
Veil The World by Trepaneringsritualen on Veil The World (Cold Spring) -
Supernaturally by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds on Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus (Mute) -
Gebrechlichkeit I by Burzum on Filosofem (Misanthropy) -
Béton Armé by Béton Armé on Beton Arme S/T (Double Turn) -
Kapitel 4 (Der Winter): Trümmer by Nagelfar on Sronttgorrth (Die Macht erfasste das Meine wie die Angst das Blut der Anderen) (Van) -
Molten Heart by Orphx on Pitch Black Mirror (Sonic Groove) -
Twelve Stones to Divide Jordans Sand by Ancient Methods on The Jericho Records (Ancient Methods) -
Shine Black Algiz by :Of The Wand & The Moon: on Bridges Burned and Hands of Time (Tesco) -
Into the Cycle of All and Nothing by Nordvargr on Metempsychosis (Cyclic Law) -
Gnosis of the Summon by Grave Miasma on Exalted Emanation (Grave Miasma) -
Justice by Gorevent on Fate (COMATOSE) -
Yo Fui un Canibal Adolescente by Machetazo on Trono de Huesos (Doomentia) -
Untitled (Side B) by Aluk Todolo on Single (Public Guilt) -
Today I Want To Catch Clouds by Der Blutharsch on Today I Want To Catch Clouds (Tesco)