Something More by Chapterhouse on Whirlpool (Dedicated) -
Visitation by Section 25 on The Key of Dreams (s/r) -
Daughters of Darkness by Natural Snow Buildings on Daughters of Darkness (Ba Da Bing!) -
Athoth a Go!! Go!! by Machine Girl on ...Because I'm Young Arrogant and Hate Everything (Orange Milk Records) -
Une Nuit Avec Mon Ennemi by Hante. on No Hard Feelings (Synth Religion) -
Program by Silver Apples on Silver Apples (Geffen) - Break
Plus Belle Qu'une Poubelle by Soft Machine on The Soft Machine (Polydor) -
Pigs...(In There) by Robert Wyatt on EPs (Domino) -
Dark 3.11 by Darkspace on Dark Space 3 (Seasonof Mist) -
Camera Talk II by Kline Coma Zero on Kline Coma Zero (Tony Williams) -
Coeur Brise by Peine Perdue on Disparitions (Corine Gallo) -
Frou-Frou Foxes In Midsummer Fires by Cocteau Twins on Heaven Or Las Vegas (4AD) -
Procession by Bernard Xolotl on Procession (Erdenklang) -
Rotation of Steel by Violetiger on Transformation (Modern Tapes) -
The Revival of Inherited Guilt by Gnaw Their Tongues on Genocidal Majesty (Consouling Sounds) -
Out of Order by Portion Control on Portion Control: Archive (s/r) -
Hit Me by Male Tears (Hush Club) - Break
Schwarz by Selofan on Sto Stokadi (Fabrika) -
Christine by Siouxsie & the Banshees on Kaleidoscope (Polydor) -
In The Gallery by Double Echo (Fabrika) -
Tanze im Regen by Conrad Schnitzler on Con 3 (Bureau B) -
This Rainy Decade by The Cleaners From Venus on Midnight Cleaners (Man at the Off License)