The Hanging Garden Radio Show w/ Cliff And Ivy & DJ Crankenstein (Portland, OR) 9/17/24


  1. We Live To Be Free by Cliff And Ivy on Sinister Stars (House Of Extreme Darkness)
  2. Body Electric (Body And Soul Version) by The Sisters Of Mercy on Body And Soul EP (Merciful Release)
  3. Insides by The Soft Moon on Zeros (Captured Tracks)
  4. Silent Monster by Echoberyl on Through the Chaos (Mother Solitude)
  5. sell the sins by for all the emptiness w/ Laeather Strip & Aesthetic Perfection on used and violated EP (FRAME|WORK)
  6. Take It All Back by Cliff And Ivy on Sinister Stars (House Of Extreme Darkness)
  7. Forbidden Flames by Bootblacks on Forbidden Flames single (Artiffact)
  8. 1996 Expectations by Madeline Goldstein on 1996 Expectations single (self released/Bandcamp)
  9. Break
  10. Possession by Phil Gonzo on Possession single (Moretin)
  11. Devil's Helpers by Cliff And Ivy on Sinister Stars (House Of Extreme Darkness)
  12. Beauty Of Poisin by Specimen on Batastrophe (Sire)