French Frequencies with Baqvas


  1. I Think I Shouldn't Stay by Armure on S/T (SDZ Records)
  2. Machine á Rêve by Avenue Z (Slovenly Records)
  3. She Was by Empereur on She Was/While Puritans
  4. No Brain by Le Prince Harry (Teenage Menopause)
  5. ATM DMA by Bisou de Saddam on ATM DMA//Flour Dog (Existence Label)
  6. While Puritans by Empereur on She Was/While Puritans
  7. Brook Candy LUV by Albinos Congo on Brook Candy LUV (Incredible Kids)
  8. Brutal Beach by Qúetzal Snakes on II (XVIII Records)
  9. The Reasonner by Regal on Split w/ Kaviar Special
  10. Break
  11. The Highway by Kaviar Special on Split w/ Regal