A glitchy blackened industrial doomscape to cure your post-Halloween blues and exorcise your pre-election anxieties. Romantic, experimental, aggressive...we're feeling it all.
You Remind Me of Fall by Morningstvr on In Memoriam of the Blvck Wind (WereGnome Records) -
Lost Silver by Neon Nightmare on Faded Dream (20 Buck Spin) New -
Realm of Eleuterillide by Bedsore on Dreaming the Strife for Love (20 Buck Spin) New -
Scarlet Tapestry by Carrion Bloom on Carrion Bloom x Piss Baptism (Transylvanian Recordings) New Local -
North to Hell by Grand Demise of Civilization on The Blaze of Abaddon (Ordovician Records) -
The Light That Left You by Leila Abdul-Rauf on Calls From a Seething Edge (Cyclic Law) New Local -
Stoneburned by Killer Couture on Everything is Normal (Transylvanian Recordings) New -
(Aftermath) Cube Rotating by Reconstructed Torso on Glimpse (Lord of the Sick Recordings) New -
Fates by Hell is Other People on Moirae (Transcending Obscurity Records) New -
...And Rot And Flowers by Maridia on Mouth of Ruin (Fiadh Productions) -
Sick Sad World by 55Castles on 55Castles (Transylvanian Recordings) Local -
Reincarnage by Mirrored Fatality on Labuad Meklooq (Psychic Eye Records) -
Lypemania by Oozepus on Lypemania (Transylvanian Recordings) -
Pact of Forgetting by Fórn on Repercussions of Self (Persistent Vision) New -
Entombed Ardor by Nythgraph on Entombed Ardor (Transylvanian Recordings) New -
Eulogies and Apparitions by En Nihil + Mith XX on Folie à Deux (Crucial Blast) New -
False Gods by Omen Astra on The End of Everything (Hypaethral Records) -
Stain (Fantasy) by Malconfort on Humanism (Transcending Obscurity Records) -
Tower of Silence by Piss Baptism on Carrion Bloom x Piss Baptism (Transylvanian Recordings) New -
Pus Filled Dental Abscess by Mucus Muncher on Rancid Soup of Gunk and Bile (Delirium Psychosis Productions) -
Hieroglyphic Veil by Owl on Ghosts of Summer (Total Dissonance Worship)