Two Lovers Team by Berndsen on Planet Earth -
F.U.U. by DreamWife -
Trommurllinn - the Drum Slave by dj. flugvl og geimskip on GLAMÚR Í GEIMNUM! -
For One Moment by Russian Girls -
Podg by Barujarn -
Your Collection by Fufanu -
Uh-Oh by The Blank Tapes on Vacation (Burger Records) -
Kurt by BRONCHO on Just Enough Hip to be Woman -
Come Into My World by Creeping Pink (Castle Face Records) -
Jet In Jungle by Damaged Bug on Cold Hot Plumbs (Castle Face Records) -
Forever Dolphin Love by Connan Mockasin on Forever Dolphin Love (Phantasy Sound) -
I Will by Mitski on Bury Me at Makeout Lake (Double Double Whammy) -
Silver Gold by MOURN (Captured Tracks) -
Shithole by Weaves on Shithole (single) (Buzz Records) -
The Yabba by Battles on La Di Da Di (Warp Records) -
Zebra by Beach House on Teen Dream (Sub Pop) -
The Empire of Giants by Union Trade on Friends of Tricycle Records (Tricyle Records) -
That's Bae by Bobbie Rohs on Friends of Tricycle Records (Tricycle Records) -
Hella by Lemme Adams on Friends of Tricycle Records (Tricycle Records) -
Out of the Blue (Roxy Music) by Everyone is Dirty on Friends of Tricycle Records (Tricycle Records)