Confessions of a Street Musician


  1. My Body Waked Off and Died by Jack of Fire on Forever (Estrus)
  2. Swamplbood by Legendary Shack Shakers on Swampblood (Yep Roc)
  3. Crack Whore Blues by Neckbones on Not the Same Old Blues Crap (Fat Possum)
  4. Killin Floor by Howlin Wolf on The Chess Box (Chess)
  5. Tell Me by Stevie Ray Vaugn and Double Trouble on Texas Flood (Epic)
  6. I'll Play the Blues for You by Albert King on Star Profiles (Stax)
  7. County Jail by Muddy Water on Muddy Waters (Chess)
  8. Earth Blues by Jimi Hendrix on Rainbow Ridge (Polydor)
  9. Outside Woman Blues by Cream on Disaeli Gears (Polydor)
  10. Let My Baby Ride by RL Burnside on Come In (Fat Possum)
  11. Dust My Broom by Luther Allison on The Motown Year (Ruf)
  12. Screamin by Paul butterfeild Blues Band on The Studio Album (Elektra)
  13. All Your Love by John Mayhall and the BLuesbreaKERS on Blues Forever (Decca)
  14. I Ain't Drunk by Albert Collins on Amazing Blues (Decca)
  15. Cross Cut Saw by Otis Rush on Tops (Cobra)
  16. First Time I Met the Blues by Buddy Guy on Buddy's Blues (Delmark)
  17. Cars Hiss By My Window by Doors on LA WOman (Elektra)
  18. Stray Cat Blues by Rolling Stones on Beggars Banquet (Decca)
  19. Tobacco Road by Jefferson Airplane on Jefferson Airplane Takes Off (Grunt)
  20. Snatch It Back and Hold It by Junior Wells on Live at Terresa"s (Delmark)