Ca va? by Biche on B.I.C.H.E. (self-released) New -
Meteors of Fear by Damon Locks on List of Demands (International Anthem) New -
Fear Country by T-Bone Burnett on The True False Identify (DMZ) -
Guns Are For Cowards by Bonnie "Prince" Billy on The Purple Bird (Domino) New -
(Get A) Grip (On Yourself) by Stranglers on Rattus Norvegicus (UA) -
La La La by Marinero on La La La (Hardly Art) New Local -
La La La La La by Patrick Watson on Better in the Shade (Secret City) -
La Da Da Da, La Da Da Dee, La Da Da Dum Dum by The Frogs on Bananimals (Four Alarm) -
Lalala by Ataque De Caspa on Supongamos por ejemplo (Flexi Discos) -
LaFaLa by Amy Denio on Prodigal Light (Spoot) -
Lovin' You (Minnie Ripperton) by Wedding Present on Live Hew Stephens Session 2006 (6 Music) -
Little Heart by Johnny Maraca & the Marockers on Little Heart (perennialdeath) New -
First Place Winner by Ural Thomas on Nat-Ural (Mississippi) New -
I'm Sticking With You by Artsick on Trevor Project Benefit (self-released) New Local -
Higher Than the Stars by The Pains of Being Pure at Heart on Higher Than the Stars (Slumberland) New Local -
Chasing Stars by Sharp Pins on Radio DDR (perennial death) New -
Submarine Bells (The Chills) by Linda Smith on single (self-released) -
Meet My Eyes by The Chills on Spring Board: The Early Unrecorded Songs (Fire) New -
Frontrunner by Horsegirl on Phonetics On and On (Matador) New -
Are You Ready by Marshall Allen on New Dawn (Mexican Summer) New -
Mu by The Billy Tipton Memorial Sax Quartet on Wavelength Infinity: A Sun Ra Tribute (Rastascan) -
Ferris Wheel by Gabor Szabo on Dreams (Ebalunga) -
Oh My Actual Days by Alabaster dePlume on A Blade Because A Blade is Whole (International Anthem) -
Knot by Richard Dawson on End of the Middle (Domino) New -
People On The Planet by Ultra Lights on EP (Chunklet Industries) New -
Mourners by Trupa Trupa on Mourners EP (Glitterbeat) New -
Let It Through by Vulture Feather on It Will Be Like Now (Felte) New -
Morning Song by Mary Lattimore on single (self-released) New