The best new indie rock tunes, just as the name implies!
End of a Gun by Ghost Woman on Anne, If (Full Time Hobby) -
J'Adore le Monde by The Liminanas, Bertrand Berlin on Faded (Berreto Music) -
Find the Hidden by Vinyl Williams on Find the Hidden (Harmony) -
Dangerous by Surprise Chef on Dangerous (Big Crown) -
In Green we Dream by Parlor Greens on In Green We Dream (Colemine) -
Selenge by Celine Dessberg on Selenege (That's Love) -
Hot Jazz by Satellites on Aylar (Batov) -
My Conversation by Silas Short on My Conversation (Stones Throw Record) -
Killer by Freak Slug on I Blow Out Big Candles (Future Classic) -
Switch Over by Horsegirl on Phonetics On and On (Matador) -
The LInes by LA Witch on The LInes (Suicide Squeeze) -
If Only Zelenski Had a Nice Suit by Ron Gallo on If Only Zelenski Had a Nice Suit (Kill Rock Stars) -
Is Love an Illusion? by Hectorine on Is Love an Illusion? (Take a Turn) -
Sunflowers of your mind by Daisy Rickman on Howl (Daisy Rickman) -
Now we wait by Assaf Spector, Brian Gitkin, Wavy Feels on Now we wait (Goswing) -
In the electric field by bdrmm, Olivesque on Microtonic (Rock Action) -
Melted Rope by Wand on Golem (In The Red)