We look back at a beautiful second season. Bring the tissues, folks.
Email any leads for our investigative journalism arc to jasper@dj.bff.fm
Porcelain by K. Leimer on A Period of Review (Original Recordings: 1975 - 1983) (RVNG Intl.) - Break
Thames Valley Leather Club by Always on Thames Valley Leather Club (El Records) -
Some Velvet Morning by Rowland S. Howard & Lydia Lunch on Some Velvet Morning (4AD) -
Touch the Leather by Fat White Family (FAT POSSUM RECORDS) -
They're Guilty by The Endtables on The Endtables (Drag City) - Break
Darktown (Lied) by Die Welttraumforscher on A Young Person's Guide To The Early Welttraumforscher (A Colourful Storm) -
The Revenge of the Stalker by Molly Nilsson on Europa (Dark Skies Association) -
Quem Disse Que Não Havia Monstros by Akira S & as Garotas que Erraram on Akira S & as Garotas que Erraram (Baratos Afins) -
In The Image of Youth by Lives of Angels on Elevator to Eden (Fire) - Break
L'amour c'est Magique by Comix on Comix (Parlophone) -
Bad Boy by Oto on Anyway (Atypeek Music) -
Communication Off by iko on '83 (Manhattan) -
PATE by Plastics on GOOD (JVCKENWOOD Victor Entertainment) - Break
Funky Butt by Rexy on Running Out Of Time (Lucky Number) -
Basheeba by Angel Rada on Venezuela 70 (Soul Jazz Records) -
Big Science by Laurie Anderson on Big Science (Warner Bros) -
Computer Age by Neil Young on Trans (Geffen) - Break
Panther by Big Stick on Pro Drag (Drag racing Underground) -
A Song About Holding Hands by Gregor on Silver Drop (Chapter Music) -
Anything But Sopo by Moin on You Never End (AD 93) -
Kreatur der Nacht by Solomun, Isolation Berlin on Kreatur der Nacht (NINL) - Break
La chanson bête et méchante by Clothilde on French Swinging Mademoiselle (Born Bad) -
Ghosts of American Astronauts by Mekons on So Good It Hurts (Quarterstick) -
TV on in Bed by Tronics on Love Backed By Force (What's Your Rupture?) - Break
I'M ABOUT TO FALL OVER IN ASDA by Jim E Brown on THE SKY IS UGLY (Didsbury Patronage)