I'm playing my favorite tunes of 2015 from Rachel Grimes, Tiny Leaves, Andrew Weathers Ensemble, Arovane & Hior Chronik, Shuttle358, and lots more!
Live By Golden Rule: Go Orange Be Strong by Andrew Weathers Ensemble on Fuck Everybody, You Can Do Anything (Full Spectrum) -
Meteor Heart by Shuttle358 on Can You Prove I Was Born (12k) -
Past Creates the Future (Feat. Aaron Martin on Cello) by Arovane & Hior Chronik on In Between (A Strangely Isolated Place) -
Upper Wharfdale by Spheruleus and Friends on William Barber (Hibernate) -
Out Of The Mines by Villages on Procession Acts (Bathetic) -
If Wisdom Fails by Madeleine Cocolas on Cascadia (Futuresequence) -
The Herald by Rachel Grimes on The Clearing (Temporary Residence) -
Stepping Into by Tiny Leaves on A Certain Tide (Futuresequence) -
Fantasize The Scene by Circuit des Yeux on In Plain Speech (Thrill Jockey) -
Courage by Blaine Todd on Dillingham (Editions Littlefield) -
September 1st by Altars Altars on 1864 (Found Toys) -
Yeats, For ( ) - Emily Song by Glover/Perreault on Freight 1110 through Greensboro (Full Spectrum) -
tallole by Olan Mill on Cavade Morlem (Dronarivm) -
sgfoj;dfsgoj;bdgafe by Le Berger on Music for Guitar & Patience (Home Normal) -
EIO (With Inachus) by Good Weather For An Airstrike on Torpor (Champion Version) -
Songs For Diminished Lovemaking Pt.2 by En on City of Brides (Students of Decay) -
Noyaux by Benoît Pioulard on Noyaux (Morr)