First new episode that wasn’t special in some way (list countdown, holiday jams, etc) in almost 2 months!! So much catching up to do.
Renaissance Warfare by Ramleh on Circular Time (Crucial Blast) -
Lsha by Six Organs Of Admittance on Parallelogram (Three Lobed) -
Piano by Padna on Alku Toinen (Aagoo) -
Gal.Damhara / Last.Battle by Verma on Mul.apin (Trouble In Mind) -
Arc in Light of Faun Tiger Born by Rob Mazurek on Vortice of the Faun (Astral Spirits) -
Mangle Negro by Manrico Montero on Sisal (Unfathomless) -
Jouska by Ian William Craig on Half Heard And Fleeting (Recital) -
The Very Center Of Its Flame by Benoît Pioulard on The Very Center Of Its Flame (self released) -
Unterwasser by Max Würden on Pop Ambient 2016 (Kompakt)