Anti-Gravity Bunny Radio (2016-01-11)

First new episode that wasn’t special in some way (list countdown, holiday jams, etc) in almost 2 months!! So much catching up to do.


  1. Renaissance Warfare by Ramleh on Circular Time (Crucial Blast)
  2. Lsha by Six Organs Of Admittance on Parallelogram (Three Lobed)
  3. Piano by Padna on Alku Toinen (Aagoo)
  4. Gal.Damhara / Last.Battle by Verma on Mul.apin (Trouble In Mind)
  5. Arc in Light of Faun Tiger Born by Rob Mazurek on Vortice of the Faun (Astral Spirits)
  6. Mangle Negro by Manrico Montero on Sisal (Unfathomless)
  7. Jouska by Ian William Craig on Half Heard And Fleeting (Recital)
  8. The Very Center Of Its Flame by Benoît Pioulard on The Very Center Of Its Flame (self released)
  9. Unterwasser by Max Würden on Pop Ambient 2016 (Kompakt)