tomorrow at noon on @BFFdotFM, it’s @brockwinstead! we will talk about people talking about David Bowie, amongst other interesting topics
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
@burritojustice @BFFdotFM @brockwinstead I prepared your avatars for today's show. Bowinstead & Bowritojustice
— Mc Allen (@that_mc) January 12, 2016
2.9 y.o. Burritosaur & Pupusa Libre dancing and singing in kitchen to Space Oddity. "I like David Bowie!" Trying not to cry. Not succeeding.
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 11, 2016
@burritojustice @brockwinstead That story about the kids just destroyed me.
— tender society (@tendersociety) January 12, 2016
@burritojustice I broke the news to my little rocker and she SOBBED
— Rusty Staples (@rusty_staples) January 12, 2016
Keith Richards gonna outlive 'em all
— TK (@40goingon28) January 11, 2016
isolated vocals from Under Pressure, and proto-Ur version before Bowie got involved
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
"Under Pressure." The generosity of Bowie towards other artists, & the greatness of Queen. via @burritojustice
— Alan (@GammaCounter) January 12, 2016
Dancing in the Streets, musicales version:
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
.@burritojustice He meant musicless, but musicales is also good.
— Brock Winstead (@brockwinstead) January 12, 2016
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
@brockwinstead @burritojustice definitely one of my favorites I found! (best in the Dudes with Acoustic Guitars Do Bowie category by far)
— Cosmic Amanda (@quonky) January 12, 2016
"'Thank you for our good times, Brian [Eno]. they will never rot…'I realise now he was saying goodbye.”
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
Falcon and the Snowman (This Is Not America)Bowie as Tesla@burritojustice Holy Crap - that Under Pressure a cappella version is amazing. Two fantastic voices.
— Thomas Sturm (@thomassturm) January 12, 2016
Bowie on Bernal:(click link of singalong atop Bernal)@burritojustice @brockwinstead Bowie as Tesla was amazing, but this is my favorite movie scene of his.
— Jef Poskanzer (@jef_poskanzer) January 12, 2016
"Ain't there one damn song that can make me... break down and cry"
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
bernal-bowie dance party
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
I just uploaded "Bowie, Bernal. Bernal, Bowie." to @Vimeo:
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
despite our best efforts, David Bowie did not reappear atop Bernal
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
The Langley Schools Music Project (Space Oddity cover is good, but holy crap that Desperado cover)
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
omg thanks gais crying again @brockwinstead @burritojustice @michesf #Lazarus
— ⚗ (@psdbny) January 12, 2016
@burritojustice @brockwinstead this is the best show, ever #Bowie #FOTC
— miche (@michesf) January 12, 2016
@michesf @burritojustice Feels pretty ... uh, loose, let's call it.
— Brock Winstead (@brockwinstead) January 12, 2016
@michesf @brockwinstead yours was pretty good miche
— Burrito Justice (@burritojustice) January 12, 2016
@burritojustice @brockwinstead now I'm just gonna cry, dammit
— miche (@michesf) January 12, 2016
@brockwinstead @burritojustice @michesf but happy tears. thankful i had a david bowie to guide me thru some funky times and good times too
— ⚗ (@psdbny) January 12, 2016