New and Familiar Jams on the program as we preview the 2014 Iceland Airwaves! Two hours of Icelandic bands only! Read up on Iceland Airwaves and bands you're interested in!
Lonely Shell by Ambatt -
Nobody Loves Me Like You by Low Roar on "0" (Tonequake) -
AB by Grísalappalísa on ALI (12 Tonar) -
Trommurllinn - the Drum Slave by dj. flugvl og geimskip on GLAMÚR Í GEIMNUM! (Eldflaug Records og Mengi) -
Eg Vildi Fegin Vera by Samaris on Silkidrangar (One Little Indian) -
Enginn grætur by Uni Stefson (Record Records) -
Hearts by Young Karin on N1- ep (Pannonica) -
Krómantik by Sóley on Krómantik (Morr Music) -
Color Decay by Júníus Meyvant (Record Records) -
King and Cross by Asgeir on In the Silence (One Little Indian) -
We Lost the Race by Ourlives on We Lost the Race EP (Kölski) -
Mind Repair by Sometime on MUSIC FROM THE MOTION PICTURE ACID MAKE-OUT (Ituska Records) -
Up/Down by Mr. Silla (Live on KEXP) -
Blue Velvet by HALLELUWAH (LAX Records) -
Island by My Bubba on Goes Abroader (Fake Diamond Records) -
Grt ei eftir mnanum by BYRTA (Tutl) -
Apart by Kiriyama Family (Record Records) -
Harlem Reykjavik by Hermigervill -
P-Puffin & Alvia Maaalandi by Islandia -
Everything by FM Belfast on Brighter Days (Record Records) -
See Feel by Sin Fang on Flowers (Morr Music) -
Release Me (feat. DJ YAMAHO) by Introbeats (Moller Records) -
Show Us by Oculus & Berndsen (Oculus Music) -
Burnt by Kiasmos on Kiasmos (Erased Tapes) -
The Backbone by Rökkurró (12 Tonar) -
Siblings by Oyama on Cool Boy (12 Tonar) -
Svarthamar [Málmhaus] by Pétur Ben on Málmhaus Soundtrack -
Have You Seen This Girl Anywhere? by Just Another Snake Cult -
Gold Crowned Eagle by Kajak on Iceland Music Import -
In Between by Lára Rúnars on Surprise (Sena)