I'm pretty sure this is my favorite (regular) episode I've ever done. So many of my favorite artists and so many amazing news ones!
Mara by Mamiffer on The World Unseen (Sige) -
Glimpses of Death by Sophia Loizou on Singulacra (Kathexis) -
Ten Halve Gekeerd, Ten Hele Gedwaald by Daghraven on #1 (Consouling Sounds) -
EOS by Orior on Strange Beauty (DDS) -
TS by Felicia Atkinson & Jefre Cantu-Ledesma on Comme Un Seul Narcisse (Shelter Press) -
The Ship by Brian Eno on The Ship (Warp) -
Envelop by Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith on Ears (Western Vinyl) -
Buiten het Droomharmonium by Hellvete on Spliff Tape (Oaken Palace) -
Life Is Paper-Thin by Nuances on Art & The Ego (Total Black) -
Simple Death (Demo) by Chelsea Wolfe on Hypnos / Flame (Sargent House) -
Razoreater by Amenra on Alive (Consouling Sounds) -
Crosstalk by Kane Ikin on Modern Pressure (Type) -
Raise The Dead by The Field on The Follower (Kompakt)