clementine & more new & old jangle pop !


  1. Many Happy Returns by Choo Choo Train on Eye Pilgrims Split (Woosh)
  2. Break
  3. Yesterday's Gone by Snowbirds on Beautiful Dreamers (Shiny Sunset)
  4. Wish I Had by Change of Seasons on Seahorses (Red Roses For Me)
  5. Jenny by Confetti on The Waaaaah! CD (Bring On Bull)
  6. You Are Still Beautiful by The Bartlebees on The Bartlebees (Little Teddy Recordings)
  7. Coke Floats by Failed Flowers on Failed Flowers (25 Diamonds)
  8. Break
  9. She Breaks Your Heart by The Happy Birthdays on Happy Birthdays To You! (Popkonst)
  10. Surfaround by The Fizzbombs on The Surfin' Winter (Calculus)
  11. Wish Away by The Anyways on Sunshine Down (Marineville)
  12. Starshine by Snowbirds on Beautiful Dreamers (Shiny Sunset)
  13. Goodbye My Favourite Girl by Johnny Dee on Motorbike Loves You... (Vinyl Japan)
  14. Break
  15. Good Start (A Little Early Calling It Going Steady) by The Danny Says on Summer Bliss (Fabulous Friends)
  16. O.J. by Literature on Arab Spring (Square of Opposition)
  17. Collect Dust by Parasol on Affliction (Lost Sound Tapes)
  18. Changing by Bulldozer Crash on Sarah Said (Sunday)
  19. Crab Line by Trust Fund on We have always lived in The Harolds (It Takes Time)
  20. Break
  21. No Good For You by Terry Malts on Killing Time (Slumberland)