Due to an administrative error it's Friday night, and Simon is away getting his brass goggles fitted for Burning Man. So instead Eclectic Kettle comes from your live from a TARDIS with Tom Coates (✔︎) and Anna Pickard joining Ben and providing both music and banterful delight. There's some time travel, bad American accents, on air violence, a (unrelated to that) reminder of local corpse disposal regulations, and (unrelated to that) getting a meeting with the Lieutenant Governor.
Vincent by Car Seat Headrest on Vivent (Matador) -
Won't You Leave Me Alone by The Ravonettes on 2016 Atomized (Beat Dies) -
Hissing My Plea by Quilt on Plaza (Kemodo) -
Souvenir Shop Rock by Savoy Motel on Souvenir Shop Rock (What's Your Rupture) - Break
Dança Molengo by Rizzle Kicks & Bonde do Role on Tropicalbacanal (Mad Decent) -
Hit 'em Up Style by Carolina Chocolate Drops on Genuine Negro Jig (Nonesuch) -
Because I'm Me by The Avalanches on Since I Left You (Modular) -
I Have Been To The Mountain by Kevin Morby on Singing Saw (Dead Oceans) -
Go Down Gamblin’ by Blood, Sweat & Tears on Blood, Sweat & Tears 4 (Columbia Records) - Break
The Other Side by Public Service Broadcasting on The Other Side (Test Card) -
Instrument by Suuns on Hold/Still (Secret City) -
The Pugilist by Keaton Henson on The Pugilist (Play It Again Sam) -
Homens by Manu Chao on Proxima Estacion Esperanza (Radio Bomba) - Break
Gold by Kiiara on Gold (Felix Snow) -
Lions Love by Pantha du Prince on The Triad (Rough Trade) -
The Spoils by Massive Attack on The Spoils (Melankolic) -
Puffer (Open Mike Eagle Remix) by Speedy Ortiz on Puffer (Carpark) -
Spooks by Jonny Greenwood on Inherent Vice OST (Nonesuch) -
Transmission by Death in Vegas on Transmission (Drone)