My favorite episode to do of the whole year. I spend way too much time putting this together but it’s so much fun. Like previous years, I give the start and end times (over here) for everything because there’s so much going on at once, but unlike previous years, I don’t specifically mention whenever I edited a piece to add reverb or reverse it or slow it down or anything like that because honestly I lost track.
No samples from botched executions this time, but still plenty of murder confessions and assault victim reports, EVP recordings, strange animal sounds, trance breathing, solar wind, abnormal heart beats, plus the usual black ambient, bleak industrial, and nightmare noise. I do my best to make this truly unsettling and I think I at least come close to accomplishing that goal.
You can check out the Halloween Specials from 2015, 2014, and 2013, but 2013 is just like a regular episode. 2014 was when I upped my game and started throwing in shit like the Jonestown Death Tape.
Filth by Sophia on Spite (Cold Meat Industry) -
I by Siege Engine on Heart Of A Pig Stuck With Pins And White Thorns (self released) -
Deathward, To The Womb by Trepaneringsritualen on Deathward, To The Womb (Release The Bats) -
Alleluia by unknown on Pictures of Sound - One Thousand Years of Educed Audio: 980-1980 (Dust To Digital) -
Symphonies Of The Planets 3 excerpt by NASA Voyager Recordings on NASA Voyager Recordings: Symphonies Of The Planets (LaserLight Digital) -
2 Letter 'El' by unknown on The Conet Project (Irdial) -
Slowed Down Solo Whale by Roger S. Payne on Songs Of The Humpback Whale (Capitol) -
Breathing by Zubi Zuva on Jehovah (Tzadik) -
Funerary Sung-Weeping by Gania & Famu on Bosavi: Rainforest Music from Papua New Guinea (Folkways) -
Wild Women With Steak-Knives (The Homicidal Love Song for Solo Scream) excerpt by Diamánda Gálás on The Litanies Of Satan (Y) -
I Am Sitting In A Room excerpt by Alvin Lucier on I Am Sitting In A Room (Lovely) -
Säuberung by Radio Werewolf on The Vinyl Solution - Analog Artifacts: Ritual Instrumentals And Undercover Versions (World Operations) -
Edifice Of Nine Sauvastikas by Æther on Edifice Of Nine Sauvastikas (Belaten) -
Acid by Maja Ratkje on Voice (Rune Grammofon) -
Fire! excerpt by Claude Johner on Good Morning, Vietnam (Folkways) -
Part I excerpt by The Lamas Of The Nyingmapa Monastery Of Dehra Dun on Tibetan Ritual: Invocation To The Goddess Yeshiki Mamo (Auvidis) -
Rec01 excerpt by Collin Olan on Rec01 (Apestaartje) -
Trance-Breathing, Rec. London, England, 1933 by Rudi Schneider on Okkulte Stimmen - Mediale Musik: Recordings Of Unseen Intelligences 1905-2007 (Suppose) -
Seishi Seppuku Kei by Merzbow on Music For Bondage Performance (Extreme) -
Czech Lady by unknown on The Conet Project (Irdial) -
Asshole/Snail Dilemma excerpt by Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock on Asshole/Snail Dilemma (Tochnit Aleph) -
Phantom Stimmen by Einer Nielsen on Okkulte Stimmen - Mediale Musik: Recordings Of Unseen Intelligences 1905-2007 (Suppose) -
Jamie Across The Water by Inade on Burning Flesh (Loki Foundation) -
Scorched Skeletal Remains by Stillingskerrkozletskynystrompetrus on Death Instruktions (Malignant) -
I Am Sitting In A Room excerpt by Alvin Lucier on I Am Sitting In A Room (Lovely) -
A Taste Of Blood by NON on Blood & Flame (Mute) -
Holistix: Links Between God And Human by Deutsch Nepal on Deflagration Of Hell (Staalplaat) -
Architectôn by Cities Last Broadcast on The Cancelled Earth (Cyclic Law) -
Untitled excerpt by Stalaggh on Projekt Terrror (Total Holocaust) -
Twilight Sinking by Agata on Spike (Tzadik) -
Side A excerpt by TRTRKMMR on Avec La Souillure Nous Entrons Au Règne De La Terreur (Iron Lung) -
Paranormal Music, Rec. Liestal, Switzerland, 1968 by unknown on Okkulte Stimmen - Mediale Musik: Recordings Of Unseen Intelligences (Suppose) -
Phonautograms from 1857 by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville on Pictures Of Sound - One Thousand Years Of Educed Audio: 980-1980 (Dust To Digital)