Lots of solo acoustic and black noise/metal, plus a cover of Hank Williams and me mistakenly thinking the Humbert & Rosenboom collab came out this year instead of 2013.
Oni by Rob Noyes on The Feudal Spirit (Poon Village) -
Still Beside The Grave by Sandworm on Trails (self released) -
The Nasty Ripple Waltz by Nested on Nested 5 (self released) -
Savage Mechanism by Gultskra Artikler on Industria (Opal Tapes) -
Failure I by Crawl on Poisonous Failure (self released) -
The Angel Of Death by Leila Abdul-Rauf & Nathan A. Verrill (self released) -
Al Weshaya by Carl Gari & Abdullah Miniawy on Darraje (The Trilogy Tapes) -
Talk 1 by Jacquline Humbert & David Rosenboom on Daytime Viewing (Unseen Worlds) -
The Border by William Fowler Collins & James Jackson Toth on Under Stars And Smoke (Blackest Rainbow) -
Portrait Of Basho As A Young Dragon by Glenn Jones on Fleeting (Thrill Jockey) -
Krilltastica by Skyjelly on Black Panthers / Priest, Expert, Or Wizard (Doom Trip) -
Part 1 by Nekrasov on In Token Of Their Spite (self released) -
Poison Tooth by Damian Valles on Frameshifting (self released) -
New Arrivals by Willie Lane on A Pine Tree Shilling's Worth Of Willie Lane (Cord Art)