BIG NOTHING #9 -- "college was hard but music made it ok" ft. DJ Niki B


  1. Charlie Brown Theme by Vince Guaraldi Trio on A Boy Named Charlie Brown
  2. Intervention by Arcade Fire on Neon Bible (Merge)
  3. Call Out by Joyce Manor on S/T (AMR)
  4. Why Won't They Talk To Me? by Tame Impala on Lonerism
  5. Chumped by Joyce manor on Constant Headache EP
  6. Stab by Title Fight on Shed (SideOneDummy Records)
  7. Cadence by Touche Amore on To the Beat of A Dead Horse (6131)
  8. 5 to 10 by Ceremony on Covers
  9. Francis Forever by Mitski on Bury Me At Makeout Creek
  10. Cut Your Bangs by Girlpool on Chinatown (Wichita Recordings)
  11. Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen on EMOTION (Schoolboy)
  12. Baby Blue Sedan by Modest Mouse on Building Nothing out of Something (Up)
  13. Blue Cool by Paul Baribeau on Unbearable (No Idea Records)
  14. American Tune by AJJ on Knife Man (Asian Man Records)
  15. Drone by Chastity Belt on Time To Go Home (Hardly Art)
  16. Blondes Have More Fun by Forth Wanderers on Tough Love (Seagreen Records)
  17. Pure Handjob by Japanese Breakfast on Where Is My Great Big Feeling?
  18. Cut the Braid by Winter Break on S/T (Lauren Records)
  19. Could Be Real by Diners on Always Room (Diet Pop)
  20. Cups and Wrappers by Dogbreth on Second Home (Asian Man Records)
  21. I Mean These Things by Boy Scouts on Homeroom Breakfast
  22. 23 by Boy Scouts on Homeroom Breakfast
  23. Did You See Me Cry? by Boy Scouts on Homeroom Breakfast
  24. Holy Cannoli by Walter Mitty and His Makeshift Orchestra on Well Soon (Lauren Records)
  25. Walks on Alberta by Walter Mitty and His Makeshift Orchestra on Well Soon (Lauren Records)
  26. Bones by Crumb on S/T