Tonight, I'm sharing some of my favorite tunes to unwind and relax to. Includes work by Mouse on Mars, Harold Budd, Carl Stone, Kyle Bobby Dunn, Stars of the Lid, Eluvium, Four Tet and plenty more.
Kick back. Turn down the lights. Bliss out.
Slow Jam by Four Tet on Rounds (Domino) -
CLEAR by Christopher Willits on Opening (Ghostly International) -
Glim by Mouse On Mars on Glam (Thrill Jockey) -
Banteay Srey 1991 by Carl Stone on Mom's (New Albion) -
Farfisa Wail by Rick Rizzo and Tara Key on Dark Edson Tiger (Thrill Jockey) -
Templar by Harold Budd on Perhaps (Root Strata) -
Requiem for Dying Mothers Pt. 2 by Stars Of The Lid on The Tired Sounds of Stars of The Lid (Kranky) -
Wider Ignorance by Andrew Coleman on Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurty (Thrill Jockey) -
Firefly by Porya Hatami on The Garden (Dronarivm) -
Olson by Boards of Canada on Music Has The Right to Children (Warp) -
Memory Print Boutique by Eluvium on Catalin (NA) -
Untitled 3 by Directions on Directions in Music (Thrill Jockey) -
Five Four Child Voice by Fridge on Happiness (Text) -
Overture de Peter Hodge Transport by Kyle Bobby Dunn on Kyle Bobby Dunn and the Infinite Sadness (Students Of Decay)