Oakland acupuncturist and healer Mandy Rosenberg

Mandy Rosenberg is an Oakland, California based acupuncturist, friend to all animals, lover of nature and my friend too.

Mandy is the first person I ever received acupuncture from and that experience was quite profound in my own healing journey.

I wanted to talk to Mandy about her path as a healer and of course, more, enjoy.

Mandy's playlist, "Soul Love"

Mandy's website where you can find out more about her offerings is here!

The Ursula Le Guin poem is from:

"So Far So Good, Final Poems 2014-2018"

Come To Dust


The Octavio Paz poem is from:

"Early Poems 1935-1955"


Live Interval

Lightning or fishes

in the night of the sea

and birds, lightning

in the forest night.

Our bones are lightning

in the night of the flesh.

O world, all is night,

life is the lightning.

The phrase Mandy read from the Terry Tempest Williams book:

"Erosion, Essays of Undoing:

From her Essay called "Paper, Rock, Scissors, The Wilderness Act":

"The wealth of a day in wildness is measured in increments of awe."

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